Yu Yu Hakusho Dvd R Download

Yu Yu Hakusho Memorial CD BOX (1995)
「幽★遊★白書」メモリアル CD BOX
A collector's item that covers 74 songs in a commemorative box containing 6-discs. Most of the image songs can be found in the Yu Yu Hakusho Music Battle Editions 1, 2 and 3.
In addition to the conventional songs, [Disc 6] contains Part 2 of the Yu Yu Special Mini Drama "Warrior Hunger". Part 1 is recorded in the "Music Battle Edition 2″. Both parts were written and directed by Shigeru Chiba, Kuwabara's voice actor.

[Disc 1]
Yusuke, Kuwabara, Kurama and Hiei Image Songs.

01. ファイアー! [Faiaa!] "FIRE!" by Yusuke Urameshi (Nozomu Sasaki)
02. つかの間のサンセット [Tsukanoma no Sunsetto] "Fleeting Sunset" by Yusuke Urameshi (Nozomu Sasaki)
03. 心をつないで [Kokoro wo Tsunaide] "Connect your Heart" by Yusuke Urameshi (Nozomu Sasaki)
04. タフ "TOUGH" by Yusuke Urameshi (Nozomu Sasaki)
05. デッド・オア・アライヴ~闘神 [Dead or Alive~Toushin] "Dead or Alive ~ Fighting God" by Yusuke Urameshi (Nozomu Sasaki)
06. 暗闇に紅いバラ~ロマンティック・ソルジャ [Kurayami ni Akai Bara ~ Romantikku Sorujā)] "Red Rose in the Dark ~ Romantic Soldier" by Kurama (Megumi Ogata)
07. 氷のナイフを抱いて [Koori no Naifu wo Daite] "Holding the Ice Knife" by Kurama (Megumi Ogata)
08. 第3の目 [Daisan no Me] "Third Eye"
09. 黄昏に背を向けて [Tasogare ni Se wo Mukete] "Turn Your Back to the Twilight" by Hiei (Nobuyuki Hiyama)
10. 口笛が聴こえる [Kuchibue ga Kikoeru] "I can heart a Whistle" by Hiei (Nobuyuki Hiyama)
11. 男の純情 [Otoko no Junjou] "Man's Innocence" by Kazuma Kuwabara (Shigeru Chiba)
12. ダチ "DACHI" by Kazuma Kuwabara (Shigeru Chiba)
[Disc 2]
Image Songs from the female cast and duets.

01. ワイルド・ウインド~野性の風のように [Wild Wind ~ Yasei no Kaze no Yooni] "WILD WIND ~ Like a Wild Wind" by Kurama & Hiei (Megumi Ogata & Nobuyuki Hiyama)
02. アイ・トゥ・アイ "EYE TO EYE" by Kurama & Hiei & Kazuma Kuwabara (Megumi Ogata & Nobuyuki Hiyama & Shigeru Chiba)
03. イェル "YELL" by Keiko Yukimura (Yuri Amano)
04. ダーク・サイド・ストリーズ "Dark Side Stories" by Hiei & Youko Kurama (Nobuyuki Hiyama & Shigeru Nakahara)
05. ホールド・アウト! "HOLD OUT!" by Botan & Keiko Yukimura & Yukina (Sanae Miyuki & Yuri Amano & Yuri Shiratori)
06. どんな時でもあなたと目覚めたい [Don'na Toki Demo Anata to Mezametai] "I want to wake up with you at any time" by Keiko Yukimura (Yuri Amano)
07. ラヴ・ソングをあなたに [Love Song wo Anata ni] "Love Song for You" by Cult Girls: Koto, Juri, Ruka (Ai Orisaka, Katsuyo Endo, Chiharu Suzuka)
08. 思い出を翼にして [Omoide wo Tsubasa ni Shite] "Turning Memories To Wings" by Yusuke Urameshi & Keiko Yukimura (Nozomu Sasaki & Yuri Amano)
09. ロケット花火のラヴ・ソング [Roketto Hanabi no Love Song] "Rocket Fireworks Love Song" by Kazuma Kuwabara & Yukina (Shigeru Chiba & Yuri Shiratori)
10. トコトン "TOKOTON" by Koenma (Mayumi Tanaka)
11. ムーンライト・パーティ "Moonlight Party" by Koenma & Botan (Mayumi Tanaka & Sanae Miyuki)
12. 永遠のレクイエム [Eien no Requiem] "Eternal Requiem" by Shinobu Sensui & Itsuki (Rokuro Naya & Kooji Tsujitani)
[Disc 3]
Villains and Supporting Characters Image Songs.

01. マーダー・マーチ "MURDER MATCH"
02. アイシー・ブラッド "Icy Blood" by Younger Toguro (Tessho Genda)
03. グリーム~闇に光る [GLEAM~Yami ni Hikaru] "Darkness in the Light" by Touya (Yasunori Matsumoto)
04. つむじ風でフライアウェイ [Tsumuji Kaze de Fly Away] "Fly Away With the Whirlwind" by Jin (Kappei Yamaguchi)
05. 美しすぎて… [ Utsukushi Sugite…] "Too Beautiful…" by Beautiful Suzuki (Kazuyuki Sogabe)
06. まあ、飲めよ [Maa, no Me Yo] "Well, drink by Chuu" (Wakamoto Norio)
07. アンビリーヴァブル "UNBELIVEABLE" by Shinobu Sensui (Rokuro Naya)
08. ネヴァー・エンディング・ドリームス"Never Ending Dreams" by Itsuki (Kouji Tsujitani)
09. 霧の中の狙撃手 (スナイパー) [Kiri no Naka no Sunaipaa] "Sniper in the Fog" by Kaname Hagiri (Eiji Sekiguchi)
10. バトル・パワー! "BATTLE POWER!"
11. クライ・ロンリー・クライ "Cry Lonely Cry" by Younger Toguro (Tessho Genda)
12. リバース~再生 [REBIRTH ~Saisei] "REBIRTH" by Mukuro (Minami Takayama)
13. 千年の闇の果て [Sennen no Yami no Hate] "The End of a Thousand Years of Darkness" by Yomi (Masashi Ebara)
[Disc 4]
Opening & Ending Themes and 3 songs sung by the main cast.

01. 微笑みの爆弾 [Hohoemi no Bakudan] "Smiling Bomb" by Matsuko Mawatari (Opening Theme)
02. ホームワークが終らない [Homework ga Owaranai] "The Homework doesn't End" by Matsuko Mawatari (1st Ending Theme)
03. アンバランスなキスをして [Anbaransu na Kisu wo Shite] " An Unbalanced Kiss" by Hiro Takahashi (2nd Ending Theme)
04. さよならバイバイ "Sayonara Bye Bye" by Matsuko Mawatari (3rd Ending Theme)
05. 太陽がまた輝くとき [Taiyou ga Mata Kagayaku Toki] "When the Sun is Shining Again" by Hiro Takahashi (4th Ending Theme)
06. デイドリーム・ジェネレーション "Daydream Generation" by Matsuko Mawatari (5th Ending Theme)
07. 見えない未来へ [Mienai mirai e] " Towards the Unseen Future" by Yusuke Urameshi, Kazuma Kuwabara, Kurama, Hiei, Keiko Yukimura, Botan, Yukina and Koenma (Nozomu Sasaki, Shigeru Chiba, Megumi Ogata, Nobuyuki Hiyama, Yuri Amano, Miyuki Sanae, Yuri Shiratori & Mayumi Tanaka)
08. 優しさは眠らない [Yasashisa wa Nemuranai] "Kindness Never Sleeps" by Yusuke Urameshi, Kazuma Kuwabara, Kurama, Hiei (Nozomu Sasaki, Shigeru Chiba, Megumi Ogata, Nobuyuki Hiyama)
09. 光の中で [Hikari no Naka de] "In The Light" by Yusuke Urameshi, Kazuma Kuwabara, Kurama, Hiei (Nozomu Sasaki, Shigeru Chiba, Megumi Ogata, Nobuyuki Hiyama)
10. 微笑みの爆弾 (インストヴァージョン) "Hohoemi no Bakudan (Intrumental Version)"
[Disc 5]
Background Music - BGM (Composition and Arrangement: Yusuke Honma).

01. 幽助のテーマ "Yusuke's Theme"
02. 戦いのとき [Tatakai no Toki] "Time of Battle"
03. 飛影のテーマ "Hiei's Theme"
04. 蔵馬のテーマ "Kurama's Theme"
05. 桑原のテーマ "Kuwabara's Theme"
06. コエンマのテーマ "Koenma's Theme"
07. ぼたんのテーマ "Botan's Theme"
08. タイムリミット "Time Limit"
09. モンスター組曲 [Monster Kumikyoku] "Monster Suite"
10. ロマンティック "Romantic"
11. 魔界の扉 [Makai no Tobira] "Makai's Door"
12. 幽助パワーアップ! "Yusuke Power Up"
13. 許せねェ! [Yuruse nee!] "I Won't Forgive You!"
14. 仙水の領域 (テリトリー) "Sensui's Territory"
15. 戦闘開始 [Sentou Kaishi] "Battle Starts"
16. 対決 [Taiketsu] "Showdown"
17. 命をかけて [Inochi wo Kakete] "Risk Your Life"
18. 戦いの果て [Tatakai no Hate] "The End of Battle"
19. すべてが終った [Subete ga Owata] "It's All Over"
20. 明日に向かって~エンディング [ Shitanimukatte ~ Ending] "Towards Tomorrow ~ Ending"
[Disc 6]
Yusuke, Kuwabara, Kurama & Hiei Image Songs + 2 BGM and Part 2 of the "Warrior Hungry" Mini Drama recorded for this box.

01. オール・ライト! "ALL RIGHT!" by Yusuke Urameshi (Nozomu Sasaki)
02. サヨナラは未来のはじまり [Sayonara wa Mirai no Hajimari] "A Goodbye is the Beginning of the Future" by Kurama (Megumi Ogata)
03. 流星のソリチュード [Ryuusei no Solitude] "Solitude Of a Falling Star" by Hiei (Nobuyuki Hiyama)
04. 永遠にサンキュー! [Eien ni THANK YOU!] "Thank You Forever" by Kazuma Kuwabara (Shigeru Chiba)
05. 僕たちの季節 [Bokutachi no Kisetsu] "Our Season" by Yusuke Urameshi, Kazuma Kuwabara, Kurama, Hiei (Nozomu Sasaki, Shigeru Chiba, Megumi Ogata, Nobuyuki Hiyama)
06. 危機一髪! [Kikiippatsu!] "Critical Moment!" (Composition and Arrangement: Yusuke Honma)
07. ラン&ファイト "RUN & FIGHT" (Composition and Arrangement: Yusuke Honma)
08. 戦士の空腹パート2 (ミニ・ドラマ) [Senshi no Kuufuku Part 2 ~ Mini Dorama] "Warrior Hungry Part 2 (Mini Drama)". Written and Directed by Shigeru Chiba. By Yusuke Urameshi, Kazuma Kuwabara, Kurama, Hiei, Botan (Nozomu Sasaki, Shigeru Chiba, Megumi Ogata, Nobuyuki Hiyama, Sanae Miyuki).

Comments from the Japanese Voice Actors (translation):

Posted by: 180gauge.blogspot.com
Source: https://yyh4ever.tumblr.com/post/640528229243994112/yu-yu-hakusho-memorial-cd-box-1995